What is Reverse Lookup?

With YouMail Reverse Lookup, you can search for the caller details of any number in the US or Canada – landline, mobile, business or person. Use Reverse Lookup to learn a caller's name, business, location, and even view a photo ID or website link if it's available. Quickly get in touch with the callers who are important and don't worry about the ones you don't know.

Man looking up number.

How do you use a reverse phone number lookup app?

It's so easy to use a reverse phone lookup app. With YouMail all you need to do is access the main screen on your YouMail app and simply tap on the 'Lookup Number' icon. Then, simply type in the number you want to search. You'll learn a caller's name, business, location, and even view a photo ID or website link if it's available. You can also check out our national phone lookup directory, where you can search for any phone number.

In app lookup.

How do you know if a number is safe?

Robocalls, scammers and telemarketers are annoying and time consuming to manage. Our Reverse Phone Lookup feature is a great tool to help minimize those calls. Unmasking mystery callers and anonymous texts before you respond is efficient as well. And it's far more effective and accurate than just a Google search.


How to find out who is calling you

When someone calls you on your mobile device or landline, you can instantly discover details on whether they're a real person or fraudulent caller. Simply enter their phone number in the YouMail Reverse Phone Lookup national directory and you'll quickly see everything available that's tied to their number, from their name to their location. Our directory is completely free, offers millions of numbers and has helped thousands of customers get control of their privacy.

Looking at phone upset.

YouMail's reverse phone lookup
in action

Image of the YouMail download app.
Image of adding an extra phone number.
Image of caller id.

Download YouMail

You can download YouMail for free in the Google Play Store or App Store. You’ll then instantly be able to get the benefits of YouMail on your phone.

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Image of adding an extra phone number on mobile.

Search Any Number

Enter the phone number into our database. You can also search by available numbers by area to see if you recognize a frequent caller.

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Image of caller id mobile.

Discover Fraud and Scams

YouMail has millions of phone numbers flagged at any given time as “bad callers.” Select a number to instantly discover if it has been reported fraudulent.

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Get Started Today

Downloading the reverse phone lookup app is easy.
Sign up here, or get it from the App Store or Google Play.

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Download on the Google Store

Get started today

Downloading the reverse phone lookup app is easy.
Sign up here, or get it from the App Store or Google Play.
Download on the App Store
Download on the Google Store
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What our users are saying

Benjamin J. Testimonial

"This application gives you all the details you want and it's very simple and easy to use."

Benjamin J.

Image of star ratings
Rose B. Testimonial

"Excellent. Significant reduction in spam and my friends enjoy the personalization when they call!"

Rose B.

Image of star ratings
Alexander F. Testimonial

"This is absolutely an essential app in this day and age of so many frivolous calls. It brings much more efficiency to your voicemail."

Alexander F.

Image of star ratings
Mary T. Testimonial

"Love this app! The personalized greetings are amazing! You can even trick bothersome callers with some greetings. Download this app!!"

Mary T.

Image of star ratings

Frequently asked questions

When you start using YouMail, you’ll instantly be alerted if a number calling you is spam. Additionally, YouMail automatically blocks the number so you won’t even hear your phone ring. Instead, you’ll receive a notification that a number was blocked and the reason why. Best of all, YouMail is completely free.

If you’re curious about the owner of a certain phone number, you can access all the information instantly with YouMail’s reverse phone number lookup. In seconds, you’ll be able to see the caller’s name, business, location and even view a photo ID or website link if it’s available.

With YouMail, you don’t need to worry about reporting scam numbers. Our spam directory includes millions of numbers that are flagged every month and logged in our system. When you start using YouMail, every call from these numbers will be blocked from ever reaching your phone.

YouMail’s call blocking and reverse phone number lookup works great for iPhones and is completely free.

YouMail’s call blocking and reverse phone number lookup works great for Android phones and is completely free.