Robocall Threat Sentry

Provides zero-hour detection of suspicious robocall behavior originating or transiting on a service provider’s network. The Robocall Threat Sentry immediately notifies service providers when one of their owned TNs or an upstream provider's TN is originating illegal robocalls, enabling them to take action to remediate the activity.

Immediate Threat Notifications

Webhook and email notifications alert the service provider when a monitored TN exceeds a YouMail threat score threshold. Thresholds are configured by the service provider and enable alerts for illegal activity, telemarketing campaigns and other unwanted calls.

Immediate Threat Notifications

Intuitive Web Dashboard

Perform drill down analysis on TNs with poor reputation scores, including threat type, calling frequency, campaign ID, actor ID and audio file examples. Bulk file upload simplifies configuration of the list of TNs to be monitored.

Intuitive Web Dashboard

Live Call Sensor Network

Robocall Threat Sentry leverages the industry’s largest independent live call sensor network to rapidly detect suspicious activity by monitored TNs. The Sensor Network listens to billions of real calls delivered to consumers and businesses across all major U.S. service providers. Unlike honeypots, the YouMail Sensor Network samples calls across the entire PSTN, enabling it to detect a new campaign within the first
1-100 calls.

Live Call Sensor Network

AI-driven Audio Threat Engine

Patented AI algorithms identify suspicious calls by analyzing audio and metadata from calls made to real subscribers in the YouMail Sensor Network. When a suspicious call is detected, the originating TN is entered into the YouMail Threat Database and the audio is fingerprinted. Robocall Threat Sentry issues a notification when the originating TN is among those on the service provider's watch list.

Audio fingerprints enable Robocall Threat Sentry to correlate robocalls made by the originating TN across multiple spoofed TNs and terminating service provider networks. Algorithms are effective regardless of attack duration, frequency, spoofing and other tactics.

AI Driven Audio Threat Engine UI


A RESTful API enables service providers to continuously update the TN watchlist to ensure no illegal traffic escapes the network. Notifications can be delivered via API push for easy integration with systems that automate remediation.


Use Cases

Mitigate robocalls

Detect suspicious calling activity by owned TNs or upstream providers, enabling service provider to take action and remediate the activity before authorities are aware.

  • Comply with TRACED Act mandates
  • Minimize risk of penalties and sanctions

Know your customer for attestation

Apply STIR/SHAKEN attestation to originating calls based on the calling TN’s threat score. Incorporate caller behavior into attestation procedures.

  • Reduce operational friction and cost of validating customer legitimacy

TN hygiene

Lookup new TNs before assigning them to customers and ensure they have no fraud history.

  • Improve customer experiences

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