Easy Money Scam

Getting the most vulnerable and needy to fork over what little cash they have.

"How to Put an Extra $10,000 in Your Pocket Today!"

Sounds tempting! But this scam, offering incredible opportunities to get rich, will cost you. These scammers offer exaggerated business and investment opportunities and rely on the fact that most people don't research the investment.

Doo...doo...doo...the number you've reached is out of service...

Get Protection from Easy Money Scams

The totally free service that stops over 1 million bad guys from ringing your phone!

Enter your number, we'll text you a link to download YouMail
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What You Should Know

Easy money scams are conducted by real people trying to make a "personal" connection. They'll speak casually, as if they know you well. They'll make small talk, and ask about your family. They may claim to work for a company you trust. They are clever at offering you incredible deals that promise great returns with very little or no risk. But if it seems too good to be true, it often is. Investment seminars, sports betting systems, illegal managed investment schemes and virtual currencies are just a few tricks used to generate interest during an Easy Money scam call.

How YouMail can help stop easy money scams today

YouMail is the leading solution for getting rid of robocalls and we are proud that our customers are protected from scammers, spammers, and other unwanted callers. Best of all, it's a 100% free service available for everyone!

Here are a couple of REAL voicemails
left with YouMail customers.

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What you should do

We sound like a broken record, but remember - if the offer sounds too good to be true, it probably is. So, if you happen to pick up the phone, say "No thanks." Hang up and report it to the Federal Trade Commission.

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Our best advice

Let calls from numbers you don't recognize roll to voicemail. Voicemail is your greatest asset against fraud. YouMail identifies known scam callers. They will hear an "out of service" message and the scammers will take you off their list and move on. Need to get the specifics on the number? Check out  YouMail's online phone directory  to see if that number has negative reports or is from a known scammer.