Free voicemail greetings
You have just committed a federal crime
You have just committed a federal crime under book 47 U.S. Code ���§ 223 - Obscene or harassing telephone calls in the District of Columbia or in interstate or foreign communications. As this message is being read out to you, we are recording any noise's from your end of the phone call and from your cellular phones camera if you are calling from a mobile phone which has a built-in camera....
You have just committed a federal crime under books 47 US code section 223 seen or harassing telephone calls in the district of Columbia or an interstate or foreign communications. This message is being written(?) out to you. We are recording any noises(?) from your end of the phone call and from your cellular phone camera if you are calling from a mobile phone which has a built in camera if you decide to leave a message it will be recorded and increase in federal archives. You have the right to remain silent and anything you see during or after the playing of this message can and will be used against you. Thank you and have a nice day.
This is an awesome greeting. I like it
So cool and just what I needed!
I hope I am not committing a crime by using this greeting.