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Reagan on Democrats

Historical Ronald Reagan quote.
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At 6/18/08 01:11 PM, ESuarez said...

He was so cool.

At 6/22/08 08:18 AM, Anonymous said...

ESuarez: You are delusional!

At 7/5/08 12:04 PM, Supahrob said...

Reagen = Greatest President Ever - no joke

At 7/18/08 08:32 AM, TampaDude said...

Supahrob: Yup...Reagan was the man!

At 8/13/08 04:22 PM, backdraft999 said...

I miss Reagan...

At 2/8/09 09:30 PM, Anonymous said...

haha! so great! Thanks for the excerpt!

At 3/27/09 05:53 AM, pagan88 said...

This is freeking greeat!

At 4/8/09 04:59 PM, Anonymous said...

I love It - Regan was The Man!

At 4/24/09 01:23 PM, elzoro said...

a trillion better president than what we have now

At 4/25/09 05:49 PM, Anonymous said...

Trillion... Trillion... such a small number? How about a Googleplex better than the president we have now. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Googolplex People who voted for the current occupant of the white house were smoking cra.... er... change.

At 4/28/09 04:18 PM, bluepastry said...

I love it. he was one of the greatest presidents ever

At 4/29/09 06:48 PM, terryzx said...

Shows the 1st signs of his Alzheimers

At 5/1/09 08:02 AM, Anonymous said...


At 5/18/09 09:03 PM, bluerosesnthorns said...

I find it funny that now people (republicans) seem to talk about him like he was some kind of God. Hell he's getting more play now that the repbulican's are ousted and need a symbol, than he did when he freakin' died.

At 6/1/09 02:38 PM, movinaz said...

This is great. I hope they come up with more.

At 6/6/09 10:59 AM, GrannySuze said...

He was a great man, an honest man, a statesman. There's no comparison to anyone currently in Washington, DC - in any party. He knew how to use his sense of humor. More important - back in those days, the country could take a joke. Unlike now. Seems like no one has a sense of humor anymore, and there's always someone who will get their knickers in a twist any time a joke is made. This was a joke. It's a real quote ... but he said it with a smile and an honest sense of humor. Even the democrats laughed. Wouldn't be so bad if people could take a lesson, not just from President Reagan, but from the values that people displayed back in those days.

At 6/17/09 02:06 PM, MysteryGirl said...

History will show that Ronald Reagan was one of the all time Greatest Presidents of this or any other Nation. One Nation under GOD.

At 6/22/09 10:08 AM, Anonymous said...

Ronald Regan was a rasist prick. Ronald Reagon was the Devil, Jesus was black, and the govenment is lying about 9/11

At 6/26/09 08:51 PM, eric1171ky said...

more govnt may be less freedom, but more freedom equals bloodsuckers and thieves such as bernie madolf, credit card companies and most loan companies ripping people off, and the worst of all, medical insurance and doctors profiting off life, thats why this countries a bankrupt disgrace, socialism does not work with greedy irresponsible people gaining power. the government needs to take over and straighten out the republicans mess

At 7/2/09 10:11 AM, JoeK9JPP said...

Just for the record, The issue with today ecomonmy started with our beloved Bill Cinton stopped having regulations on banks be more relaxed. The GOP voted against this. Had the GOP won, we could not be in this mess.

At 7/2/09 10:16 AM, JoeK9JPP said...

I goofed, Stopped should be started. This is recorded in public record if you would like proof.

At 7/3/09 07:05 PM, Karson said...

First Joe, go back to Language Arts class. Learn how to construct a sentence and use it correctly. When Clinton was in the Oval office the economy was the best. We were out of debt. If the Republicans had a problem with this then they should have had their dear President Bush put the constrictions back on the bank. Also as for all the backstabbing on Obama. I think you all need to give him credit. He is a very brave man for taking on the challenge he is dealing with thanks to dear BUSH.

At 7/5/09 03:26 PM, Anonymous said...

democrats and obama r communist

At 7/18/09 12:01 PM, andyp311 said...

Karson... we were never out of debt at any point... although Clinton did do an awesome job.

At 7/26/09 02:13 PM, greatscott said...

Bill Clintons economy was a lie all based on false profits from the dot com era, Dumbocrats really have no brains!

At 8/1/09 09:39 AM, eric1171ky said...

clinton had the economy under control, bush came in got rich off us, bankrupted the country and now we,re forced to pay for the middle east being out of control. anyone who voted for bush deserves to pay every penny and more that obama forces them to. thanx assholes

At 8/3/09 06:43 AM, srvethelord said...

Clinton did not have the economy under control, the Republican controlled Congress did. Remember, Congress controls the nations purse strings, not the President. Bush's first term was great because he had a Republican controlled congress, but his second term had a Democratically controlled one, that's when the budget skyrocketed.

At 8/13/09 11:19 AM, jbernay said...

LOL...eric...how silly can someone actually be? Obama has brought our debt to previously unseen heights in his first few months in office. Nobody has ever accrued debt at this rate in the history of this country! You are going to accuse Bush of putting us in debt?! How stupid! ANY EDUCATED PERSON KNOWS THAT, UNDER OBAMA, WE ARE HEADED TOWARDS SOCIALISM! Our constituion is being trampled on daily. If you look at the fall of all great countries, back in history, it is clear that a charismatic leader has prayed on the ignorance of the general public to achieve that. Take a good look in the morror because that's where we are heading!

At 9/7/09 06:05 PM, Kommencentz said...

The Grace Commisions

At 9/10/09 12:06 PM, Anonymous said...

Reagan was great, and simply put Bush kept our ass' safe, no matter how he was otherwise, if you do the numbers, obama put us in more debt the first 3 months, than bush did the last 8 years, go do some homework....and if his health bullshit goes through, we will be in more debt and you WILL see alot of the small business close down, health insurance means higher taxes, higher taxes means mean less money for the average consumer, shit how much more taxes can we pay, we are already giving up, retail taxes, income taxes, property taxes, personal property taxes for business, corporate taxes, etc.....

At 9/12/09 05:44 PM, eric1171ky said...

hey jbearny, our history shows that americans are in higher debt than any other country in history. at least the money obama spent is into the country with anticipation of creating jobs and helping americans prosper and avoid ending up on the streets. thank the credit companies for socialism, someone has to control the bloodsuckers getting greedy and rich off the desperate trying to tread water. and far as bush keeping us safe, maybe true. he did divert the terrorists to iraq and record numbers of americans just keep dying to protect iraqees.ask the dead soldiers parents how safe they feel!! not to mention the trillions of dollars going into rebuilding contracts that somehow just seems to diappear. just suck it up, cant argue with the facts. this countries a mess, everyones broke or bankrupt, accept for cheney,bush and the extremely wealthy bin ladens who are laughing to the bank. so please tell me how money bush spent is better than the money obama spent, cuz you make me feel like im missing something. i live in the u.s. and see what goes on around me. must be going great where you are. i may have to relocate to your dream planet!!

At 9/12/09 06:05 PM, eric1171ky said...

one more thing for anonymous, if i have to pay a few extra taxes for better health care service. ill be happy to. itll end up costing less after the out of pocket medical bills are controlled better. i dont know about you, i cant afford a doctors porche and boat payment for an emergency night in the hospital. and small businesses are a thing of the past. its over johnny. the countries broke and severe measures are necessary and people need to be held accountable. you wanna live the every man for himself life, than good luck. americans are way too irresponsible and we have a presidant who knows it and isnt afraid to make contreversial moves and challenge the people to become grown ups. gotta get with times old man. were in a serious crisis since clinton left office and bush stole the presidancy. now we got a presidant with a brain and can lead us in the right direction to clean up your mess of voting for a drunk retarded murderer for eight years.

At 9/12/09 10:02 PM, eric1171ky said...

one more for jbearny cuz ya got me good and aggravated, you say obamas trampling on our constitution, and your concerned with socialism, ya talk about the general public being ignorant huh, i wanna know where you stand on gay marriage, abortion, stem cell research, religion, im sure you can help me come up with more freedoms the replublicans wanna keep from people. how about all the business owners who hire illegal aliens for less than minimam wage so they can build their fortunes off their hard work, by the way they work 5 times harder than most americans anyway, than they complain theyll have to pay more taxes cuz somehow they may get health insurance. its these of HYPOCRITS like you who destroyed the freedoms of this country to have any say about prospering. you can call it socialism or communism all you want old man, but its irresposible people like you who MUST be monitored and be held accountable for your out of control practices. just shut up, sit down and just watch our leader get results cuz all you and your buddies do is dig and dig and dig and just cant stop digging for ways to drag obama down, but you have ZERO SOLUTIONS how to improve the country. when you do, maybe people will listen. until then shut your hole cuz yer makin ppl like obama even more!! how many ppl did you screw over to contribute to obamas action to take control??

At 9/13/09 06:01 PM, Anonymous said...

The government is not the solution, it is the problem. American Capitalistic society is responsible for more freedom and prosperity around the world than any country or system ever. You should try to build on what works or just sit down and say thank you. Espessially to the greatest president of the 20th century, Ronald Reagan. The Democrats have run education for over 40 years and when it continuously fails, they just say we are not spending enough or doing enough of what is failing. Doing more of the same and expecting different results is insane. And by the way, it is unconstitutional for the federal goverment to do anything with education or healthcare, but progressives never let a little thing like the constitution get in the way of thier ideology.

At 9/13/09 07:38 PM, eric1171ky said...

constitution doesnt work anymore.its just a piece of paper. the way this country has been educated since reagan is disgraceful, and the results are going to be catostrophic if head of this country doesnt hold people accountable and monitor businesses schools and most of all healthcare, look around you and see how fat people are and how they have to get every treatment available, suck up healthcare services, but are just too irresponsible to get themselves healthy. i guess we should just have anarchy, spend trillions policing other countries. maybe just keep sending troops there to die. at least that will control the poplulation, at least we got a presidant who actually works for us and spends money on us, maybe in more debt, but who has the extra money?? WE DOO. who has the trillions bush spent. IRAQ DOES!!! and the most disgraceful thing of all, who still lives like a king and is more powerful than ever while our troops are playin in iraq?? BIN LADEN AND AL QUAIDA in afghan. time to straighten out your mess mr anonymous cuz YOU are part of the problem.now what is your idea of a solution again?? besides what you obama shouldnt do, what should we do??

At 9/14/09 03:59 PM, eric1171ky said...

unbelievable, osama bin laden returns and called it right on the money this time!!! obviously scared now that obama means business, says how bush/cheney caused fear to big businesses to cause usless war that bankrupted the country!!! sickening how a terrorist gets it right and there really are blind people talking about reagan. instead of terrorist threats, he begs to leave al quaida alone!!!! hes runnin scared!!!obama means business!!!!!!

At 9/21/09 12:55 AM, eric1171ky said...

ronald reagan was nazi and a murderer, he approved secret raids to overthrow the venezuaela govt to steal their fuel resources. its capitalistic big business ownership that runs this country and has the right politicions in their pockets to smear obamas plans and brainwash the public that obama put this country in debt. its from wasteful spending of big business who regulate their own rules. obama bailed their sorry asses out. thats how the government has its control today, greed greed and more greed, capitolism is what leads to socialism.

At 10/6/09 09:35 PM, pplexec said...

Hilarious & Classic!

At 10/18/09 08:32 PM, amonymous said...

Any government activity that seeks to mandate activity or entitle some group or even all people is nothing more than leading the hogs to the trough. Government is not the solution. Do not make yourself a dependent to this socialistic push. Be independent and be American.

At 10/23/09 08:29 PM, cider said...

I am amazed at the stupidity of people.....GO Reagan....I also think this is Classic

At 11/8/09 11:16 AM, kong101 said...

eric1171ky read a history book why dont ya?

At 11/8/09 04:02 PM, jerryblanks4 said...

This is great, I loved Reagan

At 11/11/09 01:32 AM, LakeTonkaMark said...

So, when we see that you can't spell simple words, or at least run a spell check before submitting your so called thoughts, then you automatically have lost all respect. So, anything you have to say is immediately invalid. So, stop wasting our time and yours, and keep your thoughts to yourself.

At 11/11/09 01:34 AM, LakeTonkaMark said...

NUMBER ONE- What the heck has any of this have to do with a cell phone greeting? I thought the purpose here was to rate the greeting, not to jump into some diatribe about politics. Get a life folks. There are much better places than this to vent about politics. Leave this site to be what it was meant to be, a voice mail product. Simply rate the greeting, and move on. OK? NUMBER TWO- If you wants summ respect when complaining about someones politiccs, you wood look a heck of a lot moor intelligent if you could spel. Anyone who is trying to convince me of thier political savvy that can't spel simple words is probablie a moroon, and cannot be trusteed. So, when we see that you can't spell simple words, or at least run a spell check before submitting your so called thoughts, then you automatically have lost all respect. So, anything you have to say is immediately invalid. So, stop wasting our time and yours, and keep your thoughts to yourself.

At 11/19/09 02:43 PM, Anonymous said...

wow there are a ton of socialist apologists in here.................... Hey, can you guys point to ONE instance of successful socialism in the history of mankind? ..................... (hint: the answer is no as there aren't any.).......

At 12/14/09 07:17 PM, Makai said...

Dear anonymous person wanting 1 single Socialist program that works well. Medicare, medicaid, Fire department, police department, prison system, educational system, cash for clunkers, military, the building of public roads, the expansion of America, etc. Any real use of government power would be a form of socialism. At the far end of the spectrum you have communism, then socialism, then free market capitalism with some socialist aspects, corporatism, and then anarchism. as you go from left to right part of the spectrum. Just because OUR country seems to be incapable of doing some of those, does not mean that others were as inept as us in practicing these values.

At 12/30/09 05:22 PM, Anonymous said...

Reagan was the greatest!!

At 1/28/10 11:17 AM, Anonymous said...

wow...it's a joke greeting...chill out everyone!

At 3/16/10 11:24 AM, MissingLink said...

hey Makai: cash for clunkers .... LMAO -- fkg priceless! I mean, I thought your other examples of success were hysterical but this... but this.... IMFG hahahAH!

At 7/14/10 06:01 PM, juliannelovesthosebrits said...

I love what LakeTonkaMark says about the grammar. I am still learning about politics-didn't care in high school- so when I read the anonymous posting on 6-22-09 i might have believed there was something to it. However when I saw 'rasist' for 'racist' he lost all credibility. May not be fair, but it is what it is. This is really interesting, and hilarious! I love (joke) to see people become impassioned about something and complain so voraciously with such little fundamental knowledge beneath their statements. If you feel so passionately, why not do these things: 1. Educate yourself about the situation with FACTS from both sides of the issue. Don't ask your misguided uncle dave what he THINKS about the issue, and don't consult wikipedia for your facts. 2. If you have a problem with the way things are done, research and formulate a plan to solve the problem. Work with organizations to submit your solution to the powers that be. Obama has followed thru on submitting those tell us what u think websites, why not utilize them. 3. Stop making these outrageous and baseless accusations about Reagan's opinions. YOU, of all people, do not KNOW what he thought or truly felt! And what he personally thought or personally felt is immaterial! He took a government position and made decisions for our country, not to kill jews, slaughter negros, and knife people (literally) in the night. I use the word 'negro' only to demonstrate how preposterous the statements re: Reagan's being a raCist, a nazi, and a murderer. Relax everyone. Choose your battles and fight them intelligently in the proper forums! So many of you must go through life so paranoid and angry, how can you possibly be happy?

At 7/14/10 06:06 PM, juliannelovesthosebrits said...

one other thing. there are several here that are convinced we are a socialist society. just as many are convinced we are living in a capitalist society, and even more are convinced we are communist. Hello? Whatever we are, it is none of those exclusively. And none of those different adjectives describe societies that are without a few positive aspects. It is naive to think that our complex societal differences or even where one thinks our society is heading can be summed up in one word. You take the good, you take the bad, you take them all and there you have the Facts of Life, the Facts of life! (Those in their thirties will know where that is from!)

At 7/17/10 10:07 AM, CarltonBanks said...

Damn you dumb ass niggas will find any place to spout your unwarranted self-importance and opinions.

At 8/22/10 11:38 AM, Iscariot said...

WHO CARES!? Reagan was a dumb ass prick just as every president of this country has been. Democrat or Republican, there's not too much of a difference. The only difference is we citizens go to public school for the most part while the politicians (Democrat or Republican) are all sent to the same private schools and secret society bullshit to be groomed for leadership. They are all a bunch of ivy league dickheads. Reagan was a senile diaper wearing retard, and Clinton was a backwoods swamp runnin' redneck.

At 11/24/10 12:34 PM, HoosierGuns44 said...

REAGAN 2012! Those of you who talk shit about him obviously werent even alive when he was president, or dont know what the hell youre talking about

At 1/7/11 02:09 PM, Yahoo said...

Reagan Rules!!! He was awesome!

At 7/19/11 07:01 PM, DavidBrayton said...

AHAHAHAHAHHA All of you Reagan haters are morons. Get a life. This is where you posit your insidious,, insipid thoughts?? sheesh Get a life idiots.

At 5/8/12 11:46 AM, itsreggie said...

I love it! ha ha

At 5/8/12 11:46 AM, Anonymous said...

I love it! ha ha

At 5/15/13 11:02 AM, Anonymous said...

And now you know the rest of the story

At 10/4/13 04:47 PM, Sher421 said...

Reagan you were one of the best ever!! You are sadly missed... Rest in peace yoy earned it!!

At 10/4/13 04:48 PM, Sher421 said...

Reagan you were one of the best ever!! You are sadly missed... Rest in peace you earned it!!

At 10/8/13 05:14 PM, Anonymous said...

Deeply missed... and the greatest President ever

At 8/7/15 04:53 PM, introverted417 said...

he was a great man....but he saw he could make more money and keep it, being republican. He is not stupid

At 10/11/17 03:07 PM, Capricorn1203 said...

This is not the place to write a paper. Develop a sense of humor and leave the man alone.

At 6/13/19 09:09 PM, Anonymous said...

Best President!

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