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Greetings / Funny / mexicans

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I married a mexican... so dont no 1 go catching feeling. we BROWN & PROUD.... here come da mexicans, here come da mexicans,
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here-come-on-my-screen(?) you're gonna make students crossing the border pants. They're gonna come and take your job and we'll talk to you soon and still send(?) ... to Mexico this much on english-string(?) and Mr. Obama knows about it but he don't give a darn about you speargun(?) the Mexicans you're coming(?) ... over this year they call they're gonna come and take your job and you're gonna be home soon monitoring mexico(?) back to their families while you staying here in America and living-in-poverty-speargun(?) the mexicans(?) are gonna mess-construction-too(?) bad to come across the border(?) line and take your job you you'll(?) have no money to pay your rent and no electricity and when it comes to Christmas time no presents under your tree.
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At 2/3/10 02:48 PM, Gabbs said...

thats racist.. they shoudl sue ur ass!!!

At 2/17/10 02:39 PM, phantomgraphix said...

damn if this aint the truth this is a great song think ill play it at christmas time lol

At 6/5/10 12:09 PM, Anonymous said...

sooo funny and the truth

At 7/6/10 09:57 PM, Anonymous said...

this is soo stupid and u can tell a red neck sang it lol

At 7/17/10 04:26 PM, Anonymous said...

What a STUPID song. At least they work you creepy REDNECK.

At 7/17/10 04:28 PM, Anonymous said...


At 7/18/10 10:00 AM, Anonymous said...

LOL...poor redneck, it's just like watching a cat chase his own tail...too stupid to know better! The funny thing about Rednecks/white trash is they're too stupid to know that they're made fun of by their own people with the even the slightest bit of education...even in the damn dictionary: White trash or poor white trash is an American English pejorative term referring to poor white people in the USA, suggesting lower social class and degraded living standards. The term suggests outcasts from respectable society living on the fringes of the social order who are seen as dangerous because they may be criminal, unpredictable, and without respect for authority whether it be political, legal, or moral.[1] It is usually used, especially by blacks,[2] as a slur, but may also be used self-referentially by whites of higher socio-economic status to jokingly describe their origins.[3] In common usage it is similar in meaning to cracker (especially in Georgia and Florida), hillbilly (especially in Appalachia) and redneck.[4] Redneck applied originally to politically active poor white Southern farmers and by extension is today used to denigrate Southern conservatives.

At 7/18/10 12:16 PM, Iscariot said...

People should not be getting pissed at the Mexicans for being here working, if they want to get pissed at someone it should be the corporations that bring them over here. Yes, when our giant food corporations made corn so cheap to produce and process (and more unhealthy for citizens) they began to push selling it in Mexico for dirt cheap and put millions of Mexican corn farmers out of work. Then these same corporations put ads out on the radio, etc. to come up to America and work for them. They even had buses sent down to take these undocumented workers over to work for them. They fired all the American workers and when the Mexican workers are there for too many years the company will call INS on them and have them sent back to Mexico and then they ship in new workers, and yes of course our government knows this, these corporations lobbyists are greasing those congressional palms, its a nice lucrative operation they have going. That is just ONE small way that our American corporations are bringing or forcing the Mexicans up here. Who do you think made the choice to press 2 for Spanish everywhere? It's a whole new market for them...

At 7/21/10 09:12 AM, Arealamerican said...

Rednecks are about as smart as their favorite meal roadkill. They claim to be patriotic yet all fly the most unamerican flag possible. The confederate flag. If they love this country so much why display a flag that goes against everything that this country and its constitution stand for!!!

At 8/2/10 11:30 AM, SRHxDGAF said...

It is not racist. It is the F@#KING truth. I have no problem with the mexicans who come here by going through the proper process, but sneeking across the border is illegal and shouuld be treated as such. Mexicans are breaking the law and costing or country millions if not billions of dollars. Do it the right way or be treated like the criminals you are by breaking the law.

At 8/2/10 11:31 AM, SRHxDGAF said...

It is not racist. It is the F@#KING truth. I have no problem with the mexicans who come here by going through the proper process, but sneeking across the border is illegal and shouuld be treated as such. Mexicans are breaking the law and costing or country millions if not billions of dollars. Do it the right way or be treated like the criminals you are by breaking the law.

At 8/6/10 09:36 PM, Anonymous said...

If the mexicans could afford youmail, they would be pretty pissed haha.

At 6/1/11 06:28 AM, Anonymous said...

I have no issue with the mexicans as long as they come into the country LEGALLY! And you,by acting the way you are all you are doing is shouting to the world you are as ignorant as the people you are accusing of such. There is no racism on this. It is called FREEDOM OF SPEECH. Don't get me wrong, I am not insulting you. I am just suggesting for you to think before you talk. The ring tone says nothing more than the truth about illegal inmmigration and, regretably, the mexicans are the biggest offenders when it comes to this issue. That is a fact, not racism. I am sure there are people out there being racist, but this is not one of those case. Learn the difference, and make smarter, more intelligent coments.By the way, I have two kids which are half mexican too. I hate my ex (humor), but I love my kids.

At 6/22/11 10:30 AM, Anonymous said...

This is great, and everyone who doesn't like it is a fucking moron.

At 6/26/11 11:50 PM, throwedmexican said...

Fuckin cracker eat one beesh lol a fat brown one

At 6/26/11 11:57 PM, NwoAconspiracyNot said...

Lol my post got denies lolfreedomod speech my ass what could I have written that made them denie my post wow

At 8/9/11 08:16 PM, LilMiss7 said...

Omg! one song caused a uproar no bueno.

At 10/22/11 01:24 AM, Anonymous said...

Truth? Look on the freeway on - off ramps: Mexican selling stuff, white man begging for money !

At 10/22/11 01:33 AM, Anonymous said...

Stupid Redneck is concerned with piss paying jobs when the truth is foreign educated professional are the ones taking the real jobs. 1) open a business and expedite citizenship, sponsored by large companies, foreigners are perceived as smarter and truth is we are lazy people here in America. The fact we are lazy, fat and self centered is why the USA is in the shits. Every man for himself , or political attachment or aspirations. There is no plan and there are no jobs. Too much classroom time spent teaching American history instead of the basics. We are teach our kids to read and write 1st , while the new powers teach math 1st.

At 1/17/12 02:15 PM, anny1223356 said...

F**k U ass hole ...

At 4/21/12 08:39 AM, Anonymous said...

They will take your jobs? YEAH MOTHERFUCKER, the job that your lazy ass don't want to do! Your right, they will get paid less than what they are supposed to because YOUR LAZY WELFARE ASS, FOOD STAMP, NO EDUCATION ignorant rather sit on your ass and do nothing. They should have everyone that is UNEMPLOYED AND PUT THEM IN THE FIELDS AND SEE HOW FAST THESE PEOPLE FIND ANOTHER JOB..THIS SONG ACTUALLY RIDICULES THE HICK THAT'S SINGING THIS SONG. And with all the welfare checks you get for each CHILD, believe me you're making OUT like a THIEF!

At 8/31/12 06:21 PM, HakunaMatata said...

Focking biggot!

At 11/2/12 05:35 AM, Anonymous said...

Fu king scam bag

At 11/2/12 05:38 AM, Vegasmazatlan said...

Fuc - king - s c a m - b a g

At 11/21/12 04:05 PM, Ceci712 said...

This is stupid doesn't even rhyme. Hey more power to them I praise them for wanting to work doing ANYTHING. Unlike us Americans who think blue collar jobs are demeaning or embarrassing. I thank God for every race regardless of where they came from. People stop being so racist. God don't like Ugly racist people.

At 1/9/13 05:25 PM, ARKFUN said...

I've got one thing to say to you Illegal Beaners! REMEMBER THE ALAMO!!!! you $astards are so proud of your Hertiage! GO BACK!

At 1/10/13 12:52 AM, Anonymous said...

Oh my god! That is so poor! I can only see one ugly racist maddafacar singing because the MEXICANS are kicking his ASS! thank you!

At 1/10/13 12:50 PM, IHateWhitePeople said...

What about you f***g WHITE TRASH people living off the government ??? Waiting in line to get their EBT cards? That's ashamed!! At least Mexicans work! But you f**** whites don't do s***! Now what?????

At 1/12/13 02:40 AM, Anonymous said...

Look bottom line the people South of the U.S. border have corrupted our country more than it already is with the gangs and drug cartels. I love being white. Sorry for those who aren't but that's what makes us unique and that us what civil rights are for. If you are and illegal, no matter where you come from, you are breaking the law and taking jobs from those that do want to work. I could careless being called a cracker. Their isn't any racial slur that affects me as a white person. I like Mexican people, but the ones here who commit crimes, cross the border illegally, and steal jobs would cause anyone to be mad. It just happens to be the Hispanic race that has invaded our country and wants everything to be given to them. So Shut the Fu k up and enjoy the app. Damn. And this song offends you don't listen to it. It is the truth and a bit discriminating. Peace

At 1/12/13 10:56 AM, JackTheRipper said...

Since we americans believe in equality we should have a similar app made by native Americans . Remember them? The ones our government screwed over.

At 1/12/13 11:00 AM, JackTheRipper said...

I meant to say a similar greeting made by native Americans.(I'm being sarcastic so chill out people).

At 4/5/13 10:36 AM, casandralove said...

Lol funny!!! Im Mexican and this was hilarious haaahaaa. Nice!

At 9/6/13 12:07 AM, LovingLife2012 said...

What's true is that MEXICANS will work to provide for their families tsking the jobs with 50 cents other v lazy assess won't Yale because your to good. Oh but quick to get damn food stamps live off the Mexicans who do work. Put the Shut to the UP! 100% MEXICAN& what? Lol I have a sense of humor this is funny

At 2/27/14 06:17 PM, Anonymous said...

Wow...what a waste of space! You white people won't ever beg for a JOB but certainly will beg for MONEY...get over yourselves...Whites STOLE this land! But u love to call blacks and Mexicans criminals. Learn your history! After-all it was the only history shoved down our throats in highs school so I'm quite sure you know it very well! If it wernt for OUR people YOUR people wouldn't b living so high on the hog with the easy life! You would have to do your own gardening and actually take some blue collar jobs. Watch the movie "A Day Without A Mexican" then let's hear your lazy thieving asses complain because you guys certainly won't pick up the slack!

At 3/14/14 04:52 PM, Tia1a said...

To youmail.com : As a company seeking an opportunity to advance, you have stooped to a level that I never expected... A wise company would remove this PDQ... and I do mean PDQ. So, have an emergency meeting...

At 3/14/14 04:54 PM, Tia1a said...

To youmail.com : As a company seeking an opportunity to advance, you have stooped to a level that I never expected... A wise company would remove this PDQ... and I do mean PDQ. So, have an emergency meeting...

At 5/30/16 11:02 AM, Anonymous said...

Haha... Not! Honestly I could give a flyin...it's racist! Who cares! If your gonna let someone's bs stereo typing and hatred to an entire group of people they don't even know... REALLY Bother U! U need to find something to do!! Maybe U should get a job or a hobby! But this bs ISNT EVEN IN THE LEAST BIT FUNNY!! It may be partially true... And It may not! What I love tho is...numbers THEY NEVER LIE! THEYRE NOT RACIST... And 2plus2 will equal 4! Always... Unless your mexican of course then 2plus2 is 8 or more haha!!... Fakin people need to stop having kids! Now back to numbers never lying. StAtistics are numbers and they show that the largest percent of people Rec food stamps, welfare an other resources handed to them...! Are indeed MEXICAN! So of you on here spewing bs you don't know .... about and then go talking ...!! get ur facts straight cuz your dum ... just sounds as dumb as the mexican on Walfare collecting food stamps & medical... Who obviously can't afford to feed the family they got, but yet keep popin out ...... kids!!! I don't know though is it stupid or genius tho!? Getting paid cash at work... Collecting from the crooked government... & undocumented rite, and so they'll never have to pay back anything. Probably living pretty ...... comfortable! Sheet not having to pay for groceries, getting a few hundred bucks Handed to u every month that covers utilities... That leaves what rent... Oh wait hud! That's not sheet then! So maybe These racists are just hatres! But people talking sheet about sheet U don't kno about. Shut the .... up!!! If this bothers get a LIFE... the racists you too & STOP HATING!!

At 12/4/16 10:41 PM, Anonymous said...

Soooo funny! And true! XD

At 12/4/16 10:55 PM, MrHappy said...

Look at all the butthurt SJWs. The monkey is getting kicked out of the White House and Trump's not going to put up with SJW crap anymore. I can't wait to see Trump build that wall and get rid of all the brown illegals. :)

At 11/27/18 10:25 PM, Zayra said...

They arent taking our jobs. They arent taking our jobs. They take the jobs that alot of people refuse to do because they think they better than that.

At 4/15/19 04:28 AM, NinjaMomov4 said...

LMAO!! Love it!! I'm far from a racist; my son's half Hispanic, but OMG that sh!t is true! And I'm not mad they're getting jobs like the rest of the world just. It's just the simple fact they ain't paying taxes and they're taking money out of America in doing so! Not just by sending it back but by Not paying taxes then living of our welfare that We pay with Our taxes!!

At 5/7/20 11:36 AM, shotsfired said...

Lol, if a white dude wrote a song about being proud to be white, he'd be a racist. Yet this is okay. Hilarious.

At 9/14/21 06:20 PM, Anonymous said...

The rednecks aka white trash doesn't want to work anyway. The jobs people that come here without legal status ate not the jobs you roadkill eatin tub bellies would work. Nothing I hate more than an uninformed racist trailer bunny trying to stand up for something he knows nothing about because its "cool" amongst other uneducated losers in your mobile home park. Mexicans have brought a lot of good to this country. Their culture, their food, their hard working beliefs etc... This is rediculous.

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