OK OK! It's entertaining for about 30 seconds. After that it's like, pipe down ya horny broad! I just want to leave a message! (This comment is not intended to reflect my personal sex life in any way.)
At 1/22/08 09:33 AM, Nickname said...
MMMMMMMM i REALLY love that.
At 2/8/08 07:25 PM, lawinstyle said...
kinda cool but she shoulda really cum at the end, nice and loud, would have been perfect then
At 2/23/08 05:03 PM, justsaying said...
that's a lot of heavy breathing with no climax
At 2/25/08 08:22 PM, SultryVixen89 said...
Def shoulda been a climax. . .hell she coulda jus been runnin or sumthin
At 3/17/08 01:54 PM, abemore said...
great for when your ex-girlfriend calls... she'd hang up thinking this was really happening ;-)
At 4/17/08 07:54 AM, Anonymous said...
All that and no payoff... very realistic lol
At 5/7/08 07:41 PM, k4nch1 said...
LOL.. very nice!!!!!!!!!
At 6/26/08 10:05 AM, Jessicakes said...
Damn this is really long lol, otherwise it would be cool! lol. haha maybe someone was really doing it while recording lol. Very realistic
At 7/17/08 09:57 PM, Anonymous said...
There appears to be a solo act :)
At 7/19/08 11:17 PM, gorealestate said...
At 11/12/08 11:33 AM, aDORKable said...
putting this on my phone just to hear my gf curse me out,
At 11/13/08 04:49 PM, Anonymous said...
I think it's meant to be long so the person hearing it won't realize it's a recording right away
At 4/17/10 02:49 PM, CTS4Vee said...
i woulda liked it if i heard her moaning.. some ass slapping.. or atleast sounds like shes getting it doggy.. haha.. but its cool
XXX Live Sex Sounds
XXX Woman Moaning During Sex For 1 1/2 Minutes
OK OK! It's entertaining for about 30 seconds. After that it's like, pipe down ya horny broad! I just want to leave a message! (This comment is not intended to reflect my personal sex life in any way.)
MMMMMMMM i REALLY love that.
kinda cool but she shoulda really cum at the end, nice and loud, would have been perfect then
that's a lot of heavy breathing with no climax
Def shoulda been a climax. . .hell she coulda jus been runnin or sumthin
great for when your ex-girlfriend calls... she'd hang up thinking this was really happening ;-)
All that and no payoff... very realistic lol
LOL.. very nice!!!!!!!!!
Damn this is really long lol, otherwise it would be cool! lol. haha maybe someone was really doing it while recording lol. Very realistic
There appears to be a solo act :)
putting this on my phone just to hear my gf curse me out,
I think it's meant to be long so the person hearing it won't realize it's a recording right away
i woulda liked it if i heard her moaning.. some ass slapping.. or atleast sounds like shes getting it doggy.. haha.. but its cool