This is the one for me.... I have three beautiful daughters...who are truly my heros....
At 4/17/13 01:49 AM, Beautiful1babygirl said...
This brought tears to my eyes...I have 2 daughters ....but my oldest who was 15 passed away just last June.....very beautiful song! I don't usually listen to country but who sings this?
At 4/17/13 11:13 AM, Sunshinemeh said...
Martina mcbride sings this
At 1/7/16 11:45 AM, Anonymous said...
Sung by Martina McBride
At 4/1/16 09:50 PM, ta2less said...
my daughters would both DIE laughing if i put this on my phone
Tears...sniff...a little long though.
This is the one for me.... I have three beautiful daughters...who are truly my heros....
This brought tears to my eyes...I have 2 daughters ....but my oldest who was 15 passed away just last June.....very beautiful song! I don't usually listen to country but who sings this?
Martina mcbride sings this
Sung by Martina McBride
my daughters would both DIE laughing if i put this on my phone
Beautiful baby girl I am so sorry for your loss.