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Greetings / Funny / Black Baby

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Black Baby

phone prank
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We're not going to fall for a banana in the tail and not gonna fall off at the banana in the tailpipe. Jack is rich. The white man inside his check is wealthy. White people hope things don't go wrong. Black people don't hope. We wish we wish a ************ would be an axis. I prank everybody. I prank Latino Caucasians, Asians, black people. Tommy, don't discriminate. I go get them all. So right here, I call a white guy, and I let him know your wife is having my black baby. Hello? Hello. I'm looking for a William this Mr Clifford. How you doing? Listen, my name is Simmons. I was. I don't know how to. Ohh, man. My wife and I evidently go to the same fertility specialist that you and your wife go to. Doctor. Doctor mistaken. Are you familiar with Doctor Snake? I'm familiar with doctor this thing, but it's supposed to be confidential. I'm aware of that as well, Sir. My wife is out on business right now. She's she's gone for won't be back until Tuesday. But I got a call today, very disturbing phone call and wan...
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At 5/14/10 01:08 PM, Anonymous said...

Much too long for a phone message but this is funny as hell!!! ROTFLMAO!!!! I gotta get it anyway!

At 5/17/10 10:54 PM, DiamondFuel said...

off the chain!!

At 5/26/10 10:16 PM, JWilson2132 said...

When they got the part where he asks if he was black... I almost pee'd my shorts. This is the funniest shit ever!!!

At 6/2/10 11:17 AM, bman2399 said...


At 6/5/10 11:57 AM, Anonymous said...

LMAO, this is crazy!!! WOW

At 6/13/10 11:58 PM, Veneno said...

This is too much !! Child support.. LOL

At 6/14/10 03:14 PM, oryx said...

LOL !!! This is just awesome!

At 6/19/10 12:21 PM, LAshayLAbella said...


At 6/23/10 08:47 AM, Shanic said...

One word......Hilarious!!!!!!!!

At 6/25/10 09:09 PM, Djtwin said...

Unbelievably funny.

At 8/12/10 04:24 PM, sandswife said...


At 8/13/10 09:25 PM, Anonymous said...

This is so funny I almost felt sorry for the guy

At 8/14/10 04:21 PM, adventuredome13 said...

this the best shit that went down on this side of town

At 8/19/10 01:52 PM, mommyof2 said...

That was so great!!!!!

At 8/27/10 09:49 AM, caramel64 said...

Maybe I am in the minority....I dont find it all that funny ....

At 8/27/10 01:44 PM, Deke said...

I was waiting for the N word to pop out!

At 9/7/10 11:52 AM, Mr_Stylze2 said...

This shit is funny as hell

At 9/7/10 05:17 PM, Awake1 said...

Caramel64, I agree with you. There is nothing funny about this. I was also waiting for the N word to come out. Why do we continue to find this sort of thing funny? People please, for our sakes, wake up. Let's not remain sleep forever...

At 9/25/10 11:52 AM, SweetB007 said...

This is too funny!!!!

At 10/23/10 11:19 AM, TintheD said...

Awww! Dude, Nephew Tommy has done it again! He is hillarious!!!!!!! SMH and LMMFAO!!!!!!!

At 11/8/10 03:11 PM, pinanaplayer said...

This is great!!!!!!

At 11/11/10 09:15 PM, myturbinisdirty said...

this is the best

At 1/26/11 11:47 AM, Anonymous said...

this was hilarious! i am sooo surprised the n word did not slide out of his mouth!! I loved when he asked did he wanna be the godfather

At 2/5/11 07:25 AM, Anonymous said...

People need to lighten up, this is funny a hell!!! The guy obviously didn't say the N word, he listens 2the show all the time so hes a fan. Its the same as if they played the joke on an Indian man saying it was from a white man ( Indians are very into staying amongst themselves, native american indians would have felt the same) I'm a cultural anthropologist & know cultures well. Also it would have been the same & just as funny had it been done to a chinese man telling him that the seed was from a korean.

At 2/5/11 07:37 AM, Anonymous said...

@caramel64 If they played the joke on you & If you got pregnant through artificial In. & they told you that they accidently gave you the sperm of Japanese man, you would react the same. yes a child is a child but now you have tons of explaining 2do 2the child, family, friends, your neighborhood you raise your child in comes to play ( how the child feels accepted or not due 2the ethnic majority in the area you live), not to mention the biggest issue, YOUR NOT HAVING THE BABY FROM THE MAN YOU LOVE WHICH IS WHAT YOU HAD PLANNED & ON TOP OF THAT YOUR GONNA SAY, NOT ONLY IS IT NOT THE MAN I LOVE, SOMEONE I DON'T EVEN KNOW, BUT IT'S A DIFFERENT CULTURE & YOU WANT THE CHILD TO HAVE SIMILARITIES, IF NOT YOU WOULD HAVE ADOPTED. I AGREE W/THE ANTHROPOLOGIST, PEOPLE TAKE THINGS TO SERIOUS. LAUGHTER BREAKS ALL BARRIERS, THIS JOKE HAS UNITED BOTH BLACKS & WHITES IN LAUGHTER. A TRUE RACIST LIKE A SKIN HEAD, NEO NATZI, KKK MEMBER WOULD NOT FIND THIS FUNNY AT ALL(THEY WOULD AKE IT DEEP, & SERIOUS W/ THE ONLY FOCUS BEING THE BABY'S COLOR BUT THOSE THAT DO AREN'T RACIST.

At 2/8/11 12:16 PM, MaverickLives said...

I love it!!! People need to relax. It's a prank. More like it would be great!!!!

At 2/8/11 12:24 PM, sweetie2 said...


At 3/23/11 02:38 PM, Trueplaya said...


At 3/25/11 01:10 PM, Anonymous said...

why is this funny?

At 5/4/11 11:00 AM, Shawny1 said...

Awesome! Great prank by the wife! lol

At 5/23/11 12:15 PM, Livethislife said...

This sooo funny, those that don't need to lighten up and check themselves for racism. I agree it would've been funny no matter what color. But let's face it, the fact that it was a black baby involved made it funny as Hades it does excist so why not make light of it!!! U get what I'm tryin to say? Sure u do!!!

At 7/4/11 10:51 AM, JCKD said...

This is tooooooo funny!!! and I am a Black-American!!! OMG this is too much!!!

At 7/5/11 11:15 PM, Tonydatiger161 said...

Hahahaha this is hilarious! Some people that find this offending need to calm down! If you keep on letting things like this offend y'all this will always be hilarious to everyone else!

At 7/6/11 01:42 AM, Anonymous said...

Yeah, I'm a black woman and this shit isn't funny. I would actually laugh if it were funny though. Just bad/corny jokes.

At 7/8/11 12:03 AM, tiety said...

I just got done listenen 2 this. Omg it was sooo funny! My stomach is killn me. I'm still laughn lmfao!

At 9/15/11 02:40 AM, onyx703 said...

this is off the chain!!!!

At 9/22/11 10:18 AM, Anonymous said...

At first I thought this was awful. But then when I heard the guy's greatest concern was the color of the child, I lost compassion for him, and it's funny.

At 10/20/11 07:47 PM, lapebles said...

simply super funny i so loved it

At 10/21/11 05:26 AM, intheraw61 said...

WOW...a combination of funny, outrageous, and racist-genius!

At 10/24/11 09:55 AM, halfnaked said...

this is great

At 12/12/11 12:05 PM, kimokandy said...

This so so wrong and so funny at the same time.

At 1/30/12 12:36 AM, MAILMAN504 said...


At 2/2/12 11:48 AM, Patches0691 said...

HOLY SHIT!!!! Way too funny!!

At 4/12/12 12:36 PM, Smart1 said...

Funny as hell! Not offensive, especially after I realized it was the steve harvey show.

At 4/23/12 05:02 PM, imsexiniknwit said...


At 6/27/12 11:20 PM, kimmykat said...

This is funny as hell couldnt stop laughing.

At 7/10/12 03:49 PM, ether said...

I'm black and I thought it was funny as yell almost got fired laughing so hard.

At 7/21/12 10:22 PM, Saintlouisien said...

Great! Could'nt stop laughing!

At 9/10/12 11:46 AM, Anonymous said...

Hilarious. I have tears in my eyes from laughing so hard.

At 9/13/12 08:23 PM, babegirl1900 said...

LMAO! too damn funny. but too long for a phone message, lol.

At 11/14/12 10:30 AM, Anonymous said...

This is so funny!! It wasnt racial at all & I'm black. If they called a black man & told him the baby was gonna be anything but black he would react the SAME WAY!! That is his WIFE & suppose to be THEIR baby!

At 12/2/12 10:17 AM, sw2love29 said...

too funny...

At 5/23/13 02:54 PM, Yaya38 said...


At 6/15/13 11:09 AM, bamed said...

damn this is too funny I would be dying just to know that I got pregnant with another mans baby even if it would of been my own culture and race

At 6/15/13 12:28 PM, bamed said...

damn this is too funny I would be dying just to know that I got pregnant with another mans baby even if it would of been my own culture and race

At 7/9/13 04:14 PM, critty said...

It was funny as hell.. not offensive, no n words thrown out or anything. Normal reaction for anyone of any race.. but not everyone

At 7/28/13 05:12 AM, Monfils said...

Funny lol

At 9/20/13 01:31 AM, APerson2596695 said...

I don't care how you people try to sugar coat this is racist and should not even be on here.

At 9/24/13 06:59 PM, Nicbbn said...

Oh my God that is funny as hell !!! Good one!! Best one I've heard!!!

At 10/2/13 11:58 PM, mimi1019 said...

Love this

At 10/15/13 09:55 AM, ericjr06 said...


At 10/28/13 07:53 PM, niko5 said...

It is a funny prank, but WHY is it on a voicemail greeting download site.... No one would make this a gteeting, post this on a funny website, dont waste our time with jokes.

At 11/6/13 11:07 AM, youfan said...

Actually I noticed a couple of editing clicks right after a few cuss lines..meaning that all the N words were edited out, I can see why they had to take it off...it woulnt had been funny but extremely racist, its funny how towards the end the white guy started acting all "black"

At 11/10/13 02:43 PM, kylebake said...

Take away from it what you will. Be bitter that its racist or laugh because its funny. Maybe people need to lighten up and learn to laugh at themselves and take a joke for what it is, a joke.

At 11/11/13 05:27 AM, Anonymous said...

Wow I'm speechless don't know what to say

At 7/7/16 11:05 AM, dahlface2u said...

This is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy OUT OF LINE !

At 7/13/16 01:49 PM, Christ4life97 said...

Do you want to be the Godfather? OMG....HILARIOUS

At 8/24/16 07:12 AM, Madmark12 said...

I'm black an this is funny as hell

At 10/19/16 05:30 PM, Gokdie213 said...

I'm a black female and it's funny as hell to me!

At 11/5/16 02:01 PM, Anonymous said...

I laughed til I cried... OMG! Typical response.

At 1/10/17 04:41 PM, Mocalata79 said...

I'm black & I thought it was funny as s*** cause I was like who n they right mind wld actually believe dis guy & actually stay on d phone listening to this on a Sunday I wldve known it was a prank off d bat & just played along wit it classic"...

At 4/6/17 02:41 PM, Anonymous said...

Omg you guys are so ridiculous for those who are saying this is racist this is freaking nephew tommy from the Steve Harvey show...it's a prank geez...get y'all panties out your butts!

At 5/4/17 03:50 PM, Chinatuc_29 said...


At 5/11/17 03:43 PM, KMOShady said...

Damn people are gullible idiots. That was funny as hell. On the phone for damn near 7 minutes and doesn't hang up the phone.....

At 5/26/17 09:08 AM, Valerie777 said...

I am mixed with 7 different nationalities & I was CTFU!!!! This was hilarious!!! Did not find anything racist at all.... People need to grow up....

At 11/10/17 10:21 AM, Anonymous said...

What's sad to me is that you idiots feel the need to comment on every damn greeting you listen to. Do you idiots feel like you're famous because you posted something on the internet? I'd be willing to bet 98% of you morons only have access to the internet on your cell phones.

At 6/23/18 06:29 PM, Anonymous said...

Hypocrite! Lmao!

At 1/11/19 01:32 PM, Rocwell1229 said...

"Dont you say that again" i may have popped a ball laughing so hard! One of the best EVERRR!

At 3/12/19 01:16 PM, TishTish1975 said...

Love this, Love Steve Harvey, but way too long for a greeting so had to give it 1 star.

At 11/23/21 06:09 PM, Anonymous said...

WOW, he is such a GOOD SPORT!!

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