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Al Gore on Global Warming
Short message about the seriousness of global warming, followed by please leave a message for this caller <P> <P> <P> <P> Live earth global warming al gore
The melting of the North Pole is one of the most urgent to test the reason(?) that should prevent it as quickly as we can convince people to access(?) the North polar ice cap is in grave danger and near by the great ice melons(?) of Greenland is under increasing pressure from growing temperatures. Also if that were the mail that would raise the level 20 feet worldwide. We face a planetary emergency. It's a challenge to our moral imagination to to realize the gravity of this the future of our civilization is at risk and that sounds real and it sounds outside the boundaries of our shared experience and so many just trust such a formulation but it's the truth. The person you were telling(?) ... please leave a message.
Hahahahaha ... this one should be listed under Funny .. what a total hypocrite! cracks me up how the same people who hate GW Bush for his financial actions while in office, are the same who look the other way and CONDONE even what Al Gore is doing as he profits HEAVILY by spreading his global-warming propaganda ... all while he remains one of the worlds greatest individual gross-polluters himself hahaha .. what a duche!
i agree.. this guy is a tool
This man is doing great things with his time, while you are sitting there belittling someone who actually deserves global respect. Get an education people?
I'm sorry, but Al Gore is a retard... Global Warming is a joke. The heating up of the atmosphere has nothing to do with greenhouse gases. Check the records of solar activity. They obviously and inexcusably correspond to the Earth's temperature. Plus, the atmosphere has been cooling for the past 8 years! How do they explain that?
Gore is a liar and a nut case. Anyone who doesn't realize that is Brain dead!
OMG this guy is the biggest sloth duche-bag. His carbon footprint grows faster from his dumps than from all of the autos and planes in the world! This guy is so full of sh1t his dogs try to eat him when he lays in the same place too long! LIES LIES LIES anyone who believes this BS is BS