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Al Gore global warming (short clip) greeting

Al Gore on global warming (short clip) male "leave a message" at the end. great way to support the environment. You know he could have probably beat Obama and Hillary, McCain too....
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Melting at the North Pole is one of the most urgent catastrophe-such(?) as quickly as we can convince people we face a planetary emergency. It's a challenge to our moral imagination to to realize the gravity of this future of our civilization is at risk and that sounds trivial(?) and it sounds outside the boundaries our shared experience and so many just trust such a formulation but it's the truth. Thank you for calling. If you leave your name and a detailed message we will return your call as soon as possible.
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At 6/10/08 02:08 AM, Forys said...

Hahahahaha ... this one should be listed under Funny .. what a total hypocrite! ...it cracks me up how the same people who hate GW Bush for his financial actions while in office, are the same who look the other way and CONDONE even what Al Gore is doing as he profits HEAVILY by spreading his global-warming propaganda ... all while he remains one of the worlds greatest individual gross-polluters himself hahaha .. what a duche!

At 6/20/08 09:32 PM, elam110 said...

Forys: You are a complete moron. 999 out of 1000 scientists understand that Climate Change is a real, man-made and dangerous threat to our planet, you may not like Al Gore, but you CANNOT in a right mind disagree with what he is saying. Also, you have no idea how the man lives OR how he makes up for his usage (carbon offsets, funding green projects etc.) Oh Yeah, You are probably a red blooded southern american right? Since when has it ever been a crime to make money on ANYTHING in america? I'm so sick of the uneducated right-wing nut jobs and THEIR propaganda

At 7/5/08 12:08 PM, Supahrob said...

Actually - the number of scientist who disagree with the global warming THEORY is far more then you listen. Your ratio of 999 out of 1000 is... well, you just made it up, not even Al Gore thinks it's that lopsided in his favor. Whether its true or not is another issue, but the divide between believers and non-believers is not that lopsided.

At 10/29/08 03:26 PM, ChiLLiFarT said...

Fact - for the last 10 years, the world temps have decreased. Fact - the temperature readings that were used in Gore's report were from faulty thermometers throughout the country that were in parking lots and by parked cars. Fact - the arctic ice is growing back as we speak. If you believe in global warming, you also probably believe you are a descendant of a monkey and that the earth is a result of an accident. Liberalism is a mental disorder! Wake up!

At 12/7/08 01:53 PM, elam110 said...

It doesn't even matter where you people get your facts, you cannot find ANY peer reviewed scientific articles that argue against global climate change. Canada has begun moving its navy to the north, to claim areas of ocean which have never been open ocean before. Honestly. I don't get why people want to fight against this so much, people aren't even asked to give up that much. Insulate your homes better, invest in green jobs, getting our energy from US grown renewable power sources instead of middle-east grown fossil fuels, think about building our cars cleaner, with better fuel efficiency, and eventually switch to electric, or hydrogen fueled vehicles which are quieter, faster and more efficient. These things seem like things we would want to do even WITHOUT climate change...what are people fighting against? Since when has stagnation in our technology ever been good?

At 1/22/09 11:40 PM, CommonSense said...

Glad to see common sense is here. There is no need to fear, but for fear itself. Global warming is not anyone's fault, nor is is anything that will kill us all. This is a funny message.

At 3/26/09 10:55 AM, Anonymous said...

LMAO...its just a fuckin voicemail message and we got a bunch of idiots acting like they're scientists. love it

At 4/25/09 05:59 PM, Anonymous said...


At 4/30/09 05:26 PM, TheHoax said...

FACT some people believe saying fact makes it so.

At 6/23/09 08:11 PM, 6thGear said...

If Global Warming is a Fact than how is it possible that BEFORE man had carbon emissions, drove the evil Automobile, and manufactured anything etc Wisconsin has been both a Glaciated Ice Sheet 50 miles thick AND a Tropical Rain Forest in the last 100K years or so? You Global Warmer morons can't explain that can you? While I agree we SHOULD be more effecient in terms of our energy consumption your facts are laughable. The Earth is cooling and that is a FACT. Why you support Al Gore is beyond me but fact and reason never stopped you liberals before so why should it now...by the way How's your White Guilt today? Ready to admit Obama was a mistake?

At 7/8/09 09:29 PM, ryanc525 said...

I like that we are suppose to call it global climate change because the global warming thing didn't work out for them... just keep changing the rules to fit your needs... you'll still be wrong.

At 8/19/09 03:27 PM, Anonymous said...

Elam 110 fossil fuels are NOT being grown it takes a super long time for the Earth to make them. EVERYONE KNOWS THAT! Stupid Dem.

At 9/7/09 06:23 PM, Kommencentz said...

Global warming is happening, the debate should be on why not just pointing the finger at us since we only contribute 2.5 percent of carbon emissions the other 97.5 being from volocanos, forrest fires, decay of dead animals, and animal flatchulence. All in all though, al gore is an idiot.

At 9/10/09 11:39 PM, twinsmagic said...

Investigate 9-11. Please google it!

At 9/14/09 07:26 PM, MITBRAT said...

Very sad....latest data shows global warming ended 10 years ago....its been cooling since then... Always someone warning the sky is falling...

At 12/11/09 09:15 PM, MRANDERSON said...


At 1/4/10 02:50 PM, KimPossible said...

An Inconvenient Truth can't even be shown to school children in the U.K. due to all the ERRORS. Check it out. This is the biggest hoax ever. Al Gore stands to benefit from the so-called carbon credit scheme, because he owns one of the companies that will be collecting them. Can anyone say: CONFLICT OF INTEREST? Please watch the following vids online: Global Warming Or Global Governance? AND The Fall Of The Republic.

At 7/6/10 03:39 PM, Striderman said...

Agore is a moron! Global warming is a total scam!

At 8/9/10 06:40 PM, russnewsom said...

I wish he would go to prison for sexually assaulting those women. He's a fat loser just like the murdering Clintons and Barry Soetoro. Ugh

At 4/7/14 11:23 AM, conservativeNOTrepublican said...

this. guy. is. stupid. Just goes to show you how freedom can make people dumb enough to believe anything, unless, you can ACTUALLY think for yourself

At 10/1/23 11:44 AM, GreenUrb said...

There is NO climate change!

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