Reverse Phone Number Lookup
Directory / City

Reverse phone number lookup cities

City phone numbers


How do I get a list of the area codes in my city?

You can click on any city above to see the full set of area codes located in that city, as well as the most frequently blocked numbers calling residents in that city. You can then click in each city to see the latest spam reports for numbers calling from those area codes.

How come my city is not on the list?

We have started with the largest cities in the US. If we don't have your city listed, you can always search by area codes near your city to find scams that are likely to call you.

What city gets the most robocalls?

We suggest that you use another web site,, to get statistics on any city - including how many robocalls are made to residents of that city each month, and how many calls the average residents of a city gets each month, and even which area codes in a given city get the most calls.

Why do I get so many robocalls from nearby numbers?

Robocallers want you to answer, and some think by calling from a similar number you’re more likely to pick up the phone. That technique even has a name, called neighborhood spoofing. If you see a number you don’t recognize, just ignore it, and you can always look it up later to try to figure out why it called.

Why do I do to stop all the spam calls hitting residents of my city?

Get a call blocking app, like YouMail, which will block many of them. It’s very time-consuming to try to figure out if a caller is a spammer, and you don’t want to risk talking to a scammer and getting ripped off.