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Barack Obama - One America

Barack Obama speaks of one America.
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There is not a liberal America and a conservative America. There is the United States of America. He's the first person in a long time that's really offered something different that's really seems to be speaking from his heart. It is the fundamental belief I am my brothers keeper. I am my sister's keeper that makes this country work. We are one people, all of us pledging allegiance to the Stars and stripes, all of us defending the United States of America.
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At 6/10/08 02:00 AM, Forys said...

Too bad he didn't actually write anything he says .. heck, I would like to hear him say ANYTHING that isn’t written for him and streamed across the teleprompters. oh yeah, the last time he did that he sounded like a complete dufas .. never mind .. I'll just stay in my fake little world and believe all his made-up B.S. just like everyone else who just want change .... no matter that it's a change for the worse .. as long as it's change is all that matters. (idiotic)A.

At 6/19/08 09:59 AM, girl6 said...


At 6/26/08 09:11 PM, Anonymous said...


At 7/16/08 08:00 PM, THEBMC said...

I love it. I will get this on my phone to show my support for obama.

At 8/4/08 11:10 PM, ESuarez said...

I couldn't have said it better. Ask him about anything and how exactly it is that he's going to accomplish it and the guy just doesn't know. Tons of happy talk or as I like to say Obamaisms. The guy was in public office for 188 days before they talked him into running for president. 188 DAYS!!!!!!! I have stuff in my fridge older than that. PEOPLE WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!! He didn't or hasn't sponsored one bill. You ask his own people, him or anyone, I mean anyone, what has he accomplshed? They're literally dumbfounded trying to answer that. I mean he gives great speech and all but come on.

At 8/6/08 10:57 PM, Anonymous said...

Go Barack!!

At 8/6/08 10:58 PM, Moss1 said...

Barack for President!!!!

At 9/20/08 09:22 AM, Anonymous said...

ESaurez and Forys are probably idiots born and bred in the South who can't tell their ass from their elbow. McCain is a corrupt piece of trash who does whatever lobbyists tell him to. His VP would be a heartbeat away from presidency, since the old man is going to die. Palin is a complete moron who is incompetent and thinks dinosaurs existed 4k years ago. Her lack of intelligence and McCains corrupt policies are a direct reflection on the modern American republican. Trashy and idiotic.

At 9/22/08 07:43 PM, Anonymous said...

somebody please check his sandals hes a effn terrorist

At 10/28/08 05:50 PM, Bluefairy71 said...

Was just wondering..If Michelle Obama was a drug addict that stole money from a charity group, Barack was 70 something and couldn't even remember how many houses he owned, Their teenage daughter was unwed and pregnant and their supporters tried to kill McCain..would you vote for him?? tHE, WHY..ARE..YOU VOTING FOR MCAIN? Did you not know Cindy Mcain was an ex drug addict, that she stole money from a charity organization she was chair on and never even served a day in jail even though she admitted it? Think people, come on think!! When i see obamas supporters, they are every single race..Mcain...All White..oh i did see one chinese and a black guy last week, i almost fainted..lol!

At 11/5/08 01:44 PM, Bluefairy71 said...

PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA One People Not Just Rich And White

At 11/8/08 04:09 PM, _DREAM_ said...

Barack all the way baby!!!! we finally have someone with since in the white house and look its a black man haha nice!

At 4/30/09 11:12 PM, JohnBoy09 said...

Yay we have someone who wouldnt salute the flag, who carried a koran, who has bowed down to a saudi king, wtf thats not who i want to be running my country, what the hell is wrong with you people?! by the way i think you were looking for sence not since! i see why you voted for Obama!

At 5/1/09 04:58 PM, Anonymous said...

ffs people its a DAMN phone greeting, get all fuckin political on my ass

At 5/26/09 09:26 AM, shamwow said...

The correct spelling of the word is sense idiot.

At 6/29/09 11:06 AM, FreedomFighter316 said...

Isn't this supposed to be a phone greeting? I'm confused as to why there's all this fighting over politics for a phone greeting??!!

At 7/3/09 10:06 AM, Anonymous said...

This is awesome. I love seeing people get so upset about the fact that Obama won. Get off the internet and go listen to Rush Limbaugh, I'm sure he'll make you feel better about the collapse of the republican party. Obama is by far and away the best man for President of this great nation and anybody who doesn't support the President of the United States of American should move to Canada.

At 7/6/09 06:17 AM, Anonymous said...

We don't have any racists on this site or anything...

At 9/7/09 06:07 PM, Kommencentz said...

Whats really awsome/funny is all you people who think voting dem. or rep. makes a difference in what is coming. Hope ... lol, thats all it is. Just a word.

At 9/9/09 09:27 PM, Anonymous said...

we are moving towards liberal america ultimately USSA

At 10/28/09 07:21 PM, Prettyinpink028 said...

We are one people

At 11/19/09 02:51 PM, Anonymous said...

He's the first presidential puppet trying to fundamentally change America...... yay? ...................... NO

At 1/5/10 08:26 AM, insanenutman said...

Ha ha! First person to offer something different... that's frickin' hilarious. Yeah, I vote for change, change my babies diaper for a clean one. (Only to just get soiled again as usual with these repubs and dems do.)

At 1/12/10 07:44 PM, ObamaisaSocialist said...

Comrade's you must obey. Never mind the fact we know that he thinks the fundamental flaw in the constitution is that it doesn't provide any means for the redistribution of wealth. Never mind we know that he is great pals with PLO hotshot Rashid Khalidi, unrepentant terrorist William Ayers, and convicted felon and swindler Tony Rezko. Never mind he's spend more money than any other Presidnet(s) ever (but he had to do it don't yu know) Comrade's you must obey our new great leader. Comrade's...yes we can mmm mmm mmm!

At 1/31/10 12:17 PM, Anonymous said...

There is one America. Obama regularly addresses black Americans, but never white Americans... hmmmm sounds like there's a racist in the oval office.

At 2/9/10 02:51 AM, Palin said...

We are one people but not in the Obama House

At 6/11/10 01:01 PM, bj4sho07 said...

haters need to get over it Obama is doing a wonderful job considering all the shit GW fucked up. What Idot feels like it should only take a few weeks to fix this mess? GW had 8 to fuck it up.

At 9/11/10 09:22 AM, Anonymous said...

Mr Obama (ha ha) should just stop. He should have never started! He should have not saved GM, He should not have pushed for Health Reform, He should not have saved the US from financial collapse, but most of all somone should remind this man that he is 1/2 white and lets get back to he business of screwing everyone so that We can make a quick buck. Sarah for President......Yeee Hawww!

At 9/12/10 12:05 AM, Anonymous said...

America should be so proud hiring this racist commie socialist pile of muslim America hating crap.... he's doing a fine job destroying this country! Congrats!

At 10/15/10 11:18 AM, 14thGenAmerican said...

Best President EVER, thanks AMERICA - well the REAL AMERICANS not the anti American anti Consitution Right Wing Trash

At 5/12/11 10:26 PM, crusen said...

Well Carter can relax since he is no longer the worst president in history. lets just hope this idiot leaves an America for the next president(in 2012) to fix. Only a kool-aid drinker with thier head in the sand could call him the best president ever. You're foolish. Go check the mail box for your welfare check. thats the only reason you voted for him. lol

At 5/13/11 12:31 AM, huyghue said...

Hey all you Obama Haters How about a greeting by Rush Sarah Beck or something from the Klan with a nice message for all of the Haters out there

At 5/13/11 12:31 AM, huyghue said...

Hey all you Obama Haters How about a greeting by Rush Sarah Beck or something from the Klan with a nice message for all of the Haters out there

At 5/13/11 12:31 AM, huyghue said...

Hey all you Obama Haters How about a greeting by Rush Sarah Beck or something from the Klan with a nice message for all of the Haters out there

At 6/28/11 09:17 AM, BlackandProud said...

For all the losers thats posting ANONYMOUS, quit hiding behind a computer to post such racist bullshit about our BLACK president. I didn't hear or read a damn thing when Bush put our country in so much bullshit. But just because he's a black man ya'll wanna criticize and blame him for what the WHITE man put us in. CRUSEN or whomever you are we can tell your mom was illiterate and not much of a mom with all the dumbness you posted, we are no longer living in slavery days and now we will beat the hell out of you and wouldn't think a damn thing about it but it's best you stay hidden behind a computer since you feel so bracve and confident. I bet you are trailor trash and a Eminem wannabe. Get a fucking life and that goes for the rest of you RACIST red neck bitches! Now run and tell that BITCH!

At 10/18/11 12:07 PM, bradsr0138 said...

@BlackandProud: You sound upset in your last post. Well let me clear something up for you: My dislike for Obama has nothing to do with his skin color or religious beliefs, my dislike is from his total lack of ability. I'm tired of every time I mention my disdain for Obama, someone has to go pull the race card. Thank god you have that race card too, otherwise you might have to own the fact that he is a bad president! What ever would all of you do without the race card?

At 10/18/11 02:18 PM, Anonymous said...

How can Obama fix 8 yrs of damage in 4 yrs!!! Shut the fuck up & realize that bush fucked up the economy...it gets worse before it get better dummies!!!!!!!

At 10/18/11 02:26 PM, bbcman said...

Obama is a P.O.S he's the worst president in a long time!! And btw I'm black and I still think he sucks

At 11/25/11 08:52 PM, JoinErNaut said...

Put your feelings aside and look at the facts. No experience, never worked in private sector, larger gov't, higher unemployment, lower private sector confidence, entitlement mentality, gov't capitalism (public sector capitalizing of private sector), anti-American policies, anti-Israel policies, anti-prolife policies, plays race card, class war, redistribution of people's property(stealing is wrong no matter how you word it), special tax breaks for Unions, close associations with radical anti-American colleagues.... Open your eyes to truth, your ears to facts and be free...

At 11/26/11 02:02 PM, DoctorJim said...

To all the liberals, political organizers, left wing activists and others who feel the world owes them a living. Please send me $100.00 dollars of your hard earned (?) wealth. I am considered a traitor by this president just because I own firearms, (not afraid to use them), a Bible, (which I believe in), oppose abortion in any form, have served in the Marine Corps (enlisted) and Air Force (Officer) and feel that what I make or produce should belong to me. It should be obvious that everyone is against me, and it was everyones fault that I am this way. So...send in that money!!!!!!!

At 4/29/12 04:49 PM, Anonymous said...

it's a phone message...just don't use it if you don't like it....

At 10/4/13 04:50 PM, Sher421 said...

Please someone make him go away... Nice obama you read your que cards well!!

At 7/27/15 04:41 PM, w27609 said...


At 1/21/16 01:36 PM, Anonymous said...

....too bad it was all a lie, he could have a had a transformative presidency, but he chose partisanship over bi-partisanship and what's even worse was his deception and dishonesty...Obummer

At 12/17/17 06:59 AM, Anonymous said...

Obama had to fix what Bush did and it took a while because on day to the Republicans were saying it wouldn't even work with him. They created the divide and they continue to do so. Wake up people. All the Republicans want to do is please their donors and big Corporation so that they can keep getting more and more money to fill their coffers. They don't care about you. They use abortion and other things like gun control as wedge issues because so many of you vote on one issue. And usually is one issue that doesn't even affect your life. forget the stupid wedge issues and look at how they're affecting your wallet and your education in the way you raise your children and the health care that you need. Of all of those things were fix there may not be a need for abortion there may not be a need for gun control. I'm not anti-gun I am pro-choice, however. You talk about not wanting government in your life well I would say government telling me, as a woman, what to do with my body is none of their business. And is way too much in my life and in my bedroom. wake up people. You are being played.

At 1/30/18 10:11 PM, Anonymous said...

When someone has a platform they can say just about anything and get an an applause. There is a liberal and conservative america. Maybe he does'nt know who he is. That does'nt mean people do not know who they are. He just said that there is no republican party or democractic party. An american party. This is Donald trump turned inside out.

At 8/13/18 11:01 AM, VSMelz said...

President Barack Obama was such a monumental president that people lose their mind and their composure at just the mention of his name! I absolutely LOVE it! (Just watch . . .)

At 10/1/23 11:34 AM, GreenUrb said...

Obama divided the nation and created so much racism.

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