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Barack Obama- Believe

Official Barack Obama
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At 9/16/08 07:59 AM, Anonymous said...

Pathetic. He might have made a good leader in about 15 years when he's had a chance to DO something. Talk is cheap.

At 9/16/08 11:15 AM, Julian said...

I disagree. Pathetic is our debt with China. Pathetic is our economy. Pathetic is no bid contracts to friends of the current administration. Pathetic is watching bridges collapse in major US cities when we spend 10 billon a month in Iraq

At 9/20/08 09:24 AM, Anonymous said...

Whoever wrote 'pathetic' is probably an idiot born and bred in the South who can't tell their ass from their elbow. McCain is a corrupt piece of trash who does whatever lobbyists tell him to. His VP would be a heartbeat away from presidency, since the old man is going to die. Palin is a complete moron who is incompetent and thinks dinosaurs existed 4k years ago. Her lack of intelligence and McCains corrupt policies are a direct reflection on the modern American republican. Trashy and idiotic.

At 11/5/08 01:43 PM, Bluefairy71 said...

President Barack Obama

At 2/12/09 02:17 PM, Anonymous said...

He sure does like to talk a lot about nothing. I'll give him credit, he sounds great when he speaks, but he has no content and action to back up his great words. What has he done for our country? Given us useless debt, very similar to the debt that brought about the Great Depression.... Thanks Obama for showing us you really have no idea of what you're doing.

At 2/21/09 12:58 AM, rleejr said...

Why is this on youmail?

At 3/3/09 12:45 PM, Anonymous said...

it is time for a change AWAY from marxism

At 3/3/09 12:45 PM, Anonymous said...

change BACK to American values by kicking the marxist president to the curb

At 3/7/09 08:24 AM, Anonymous said...

Inspiring speech but he doesn't even ask the caller to leave a message. This isn't a voicemail greeting.

At 3/12/09 01:37 PM, AltonParker said...

Do you even know what a Marxist is or are you just calling him that because your buddies are doing it and you think is a funny way to sound stupid? Read a book and learn to think.

At 3/13/09 08:27 AM, Agrote99 said...

BO. inexperienced, socialist policies... way to destroy the American way of life we grew up with. Good job voting for 'Change' America - way to think it thru!!!!

At 4/1/09 07:25 PM, Anonymous said...

I have not been this impressed with a leader in my lifetime of over 50 years. The majority of us believe this man is doing a superb job with the horrible mess he has been given.

At 4/6/09 01:53 PM, sizesexii said...

Best Greeting on the site!!! thanx!!! keep up the good work!

At 4/14/09 09:04 AM, Anonymous said...

Lies Lies Lies

At 7/25/09 08:33 PM, phuchu said...


At 8/27/09 12:06 PM, Anonymous said...

Zeig Heil! Zeig Heil! Zeig Heil!

At 9/7/09 06:10 PM, Kommencentz said...

Bush f'd up things on purpose, that is what they needed him to do so they could discredit the republicans even more and allow this savior to come in and do and pass so many new laws and spend so much money that before we know what hit us we will be screwed.

At 9/9/09 09:27 PM, Anonymous said...

I believe you twits have screwed us all by electing this liar

At 9/10/09 11:41 PM, Anonymous said...

Investigate 9-11. Please google it now!

At 11/19/09 02:49 PM, Anonymous said...

I don't want to be touched by obama.

At 11/22/09 12:17 PM, ChrisATL said...

Yes, He brought change.... Trillions of Dollars of Debt. Not all change is good change.

At 7/5/12 11:45 AM, SouthernRepublican said...

I am not sure if the intented person will ever read this, but I sure hope so. The Anonymous blogger who made the comment about an idiot born and bred in the South who can't tell their butt from their elbow needs to take a long hard look in the mirror! PATHETIC is the reflection you will see!! I was born, raised and still living in the South. I know the difference between my butt and elbow as my a$$ is what sh!ts on people like you!! Your right on one thing, Palin is a direct reflection on the modern American Republican althought you failed to list CONSERVATIVE. It's not very surprising to me that you failed to mention the one word that you Liberals know NOTHING about!! Your just one of those Liberal Obama lovers that doesn't have the intelligence to think for yourself!! I pitty people like you, people like you are what makes this Country weak! Get out and get a job so my SOUTHERN MODERN AMERICAN REPUBLICAN a$$ doesn't have to pay for your food stamps!

At 7/6/12 09:30 PM, ryunis1 said...

what a freaking joke. What I believe is that if you are stupid enough to even consider voting for this fraud a second time, enjoy what you get...more unemployment, shrinking public sector, and a broke USA.

At 12/1/13 06:49 AM, ANTHRON said...

One who don't agree suck a dic

At 3/24/18 06:30 AM, Anonymous said...

We want him back. America was great then. Now its dog crap.

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